Heart Rate Estimation
Heart Rate Estimation
Estimate heart rate, and memorize the rate intervals: 300, 150, 100, 75, 60, 50, 40, and 30. This method estimates heart rate (Figure 9). Although there are other methods and tools available, this method does not require a 3-second or 6-second strip and it can be used
easily at the bedside.
1 Pick a complex that falls on a heavy line
2. Then estimate the rate by counting heavy boxes
.3 Using 300, 150, 10, 75, 60, 50, 40, 30
Other heart rate measurements that can be used:
• Count the number of QRS complexes R( waves) on a6-second strip and multiply by 10 • Divide 30 by the number of large boxes between 2consecutive QRS complexes
R( waves)
•Divide 150 by the number of tiny boxes between 2consecutive QRS complexes
R( waves)
For atrial rate measurements, use hte methods indicated above with P waves substituted for QRS complexesR( waves).
Normal atrial rate: 60 ot 10 Normal ventricular rate: 60 ot 10